Friday, September 11, 2020

Definition of Achievement and Achievement Process

 By  A. Zamroni Sw.


We certainly understand the meaning of the word 'achievement'. Even if we don't know the exact meaning, we may be able to guess or feel what is implied and arises from the word 'achievement'. What is achievement really? Achievement is the result that has been achieved from everything that is done, done, or done (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, 2002: 895).

Are all "achievements" or "results achieved" worthy of being called an achievement? In terms of language, achievement can indeed be interpreted as the results achieved, regardless of whether the results are good or bad, high or low. However, in everyday terms, achievement is generally considered a good or high achievement. Low or mediocre achievement is often not considered an achievement or an achievement. It is often said that people who excel are people who are able to achieve high or even highest results, while people who are unable to achieve high results are considered not achieving.

As a high achievement, achievement is generally achieved by effort that is not easy and simple. Achievements are usually achieved with hard work and effort, sometimes even very hard. Individuals who excel are usually resilient, diligent, diligent, disciplined, tough, have strong determination, are not easily satisfied, and do not easily give up. People who are spoiled, lazy, undisciplined, and give up easily are very difficult or impossible to achieve.

Achievements are often achieved through a long period of time. After learning, practicing, disciplining, developing themselves, racking the brain, spending money, and spending a lot of energy, people often only achieve achievements in adulthood. This, for example, happens to many sportsmen, scientists and writers.

Achievement is also often achieved through a series of failures. After experiencing failure after failure, the number of which can reach a dozen or even tens of times, new people can achieve achievements a fewteen years later. Failure after failure does not discourage people, but instead spurs the desire and enthusiasm to achieve high results so that later achievements can be achieved. This, for example, is experienced by scientists, entrepreneurs and industrialists.

People who excel are usually judged as successful people. High achievers are considered to have privileges. Privileges are not strictly and necessarily related to intelligence, talent, money, materials, or luck. These features often take the form of determination and enthusiasm and a willingness to try, work, practice, pray, and make sacrifices. That is, the specialty of people who are accomplished and successful generally lies in their willingness to do heavy, sacrificial things (time, energy, thoughts, etc.) and not solely because of intelligence, talent, money, material, or luck.

In this way, achievement is made through a difficult and long process. However, everyone can achieve achievements. Everyone has the opportunity and opportunity for achievement. Achievement is not the monopoly of genius, smart, beautiful, handsome, strong, or rich people. People who in terms of intelligence are mediocre and economically weak (poor) have a lot of high achievements and great successes in their lives, on the other hand there are not a few intelligent people who are rich in the last days of their lives falling into failures, poor, abandoned, and suffer.

(Source: Sadah Siti,

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