Friday, September 25, 2020

Perjalanan Menemukan Sekolah

Zamroni Sw.

Di manakah sekolah berada; jalan ke sekolah itu ke selatan atau utara? Konon, sekolah ada di mana-mana: di kota, desa, perbukitan, dan tepi hutan; di pulau-pulau yang jauh dan terpencil.

“Engkau tak perlu khawatir tak memperoleh sekolah, Nak,” kata Pak Lurah. “Setiap seratus langkah engkau akan menjumpai sekolah. Teruskan saja usahamu dan jangan pernah menyerah.”

Kuteruskan langkahku menuju sekolah. “Mencari sekolah sekarang sungguh sangat susah!” kata seorang pedagang buah. “Sekolah memang ada di mana-mana, tapi untuk diterima di sekolah bermutu rendah pun biaya pendaftarannya tidaklah murah.”

Aku tak begitu peduli dan terus berjalan menuju sekolah. “Sekolah yang bagaimana yang kauidamkan, Nak?” tanya seorang pegawai pemerintah. “Yang berbiaya mahal, tak perlu mengikuti pelajaran, tetapi dijamin dapat ijazah, atau yang berbiaya murah dan harus mengikuti pelajaran setiap hari, tetapi sepuluh tahun belum tentu dapat tanda bukti?”

Di sudut jalan kudengar obrolan orang di warung kopi. Mereka ragu apakah pendidikan masih punya arti. Setiap tahun ribuan sarjana diwisuda dan diluluskan, setiap bulan jutaan orang menunggu pekerjaan.

Dari koran dan majalah kubaca berita. Para warga mengeluarkan banyak biaya untuk bisa sekolah hingga menjadi sarjana, tapi tak sedikit yang kandas di tengah jalan dan akhirnya menjadi anak jalanan, pengemis, pengamen, preman, atau gelandangan. Sebagian konon sukses jadi anggota dewan, konglomerat, dan pejabat tinggi, tapi nyaris tak punya pekerjaan pasti selain korupsi dan manipulasi.

Lewat televisi petinggi negeri mencanangkan janji. Edukasi adalah misi yang akan terus direvisi. Para ahli mengumumkan beribu-ribu opini: di kelas konon guru-guru mengajar sesuka hati, kepala sekolah dan kepala dinas sibuk kolusi hingga lahir murid-murid yang pandai berkelahi.

Di manakah sekolah kini berada? Di sepanjang jalan aku seperti melihat bangunan sekolah berdiri di mana-mana, tapi kegiatan belajar-mengajar tak ada di sana. Ruang-ruangnya gelap dan berdebu, tiada tanda-tanda terjadi pergulatan ilmu hanya terdengar hiruk-pikuk yang bertalu-talu.

Di manakah aku harus mencari tahu? Kepada siapa aku harus berguru dan bagaimana cara yang benar mendapat ilmu?

Di depan sebuah bangunan megah yang sepintas seperti sekolah, aku menghentikan langkah. Ingin aku memastikan, apakah itu tempatnya untuk menempa diri jadi insan berguna.

Namun, kaki dan tubuhku sudah terlalu lelah. Dalam gundah, perasaan terbelah-belah. Rasanya aku belum juga menjumpai sekolah yang dikatakan orang bijak sebagai tempat sejati mendapatkan ilmu dan kearifan hakiki.

Manahan, 17 Oktober 2010

Friday, September 11, 2020

Definition of Achievement and Achievement Process

 By  A. Zamroni Sw.


We certainly understand the meaning of the word 'achievement'. Even if we don't know the exact meaning, we may be able to guess or feel what is implied and arises from the word 'achievement'. What is achievement really? Achievement is the result that has been achieved from everything that is done, done, or done (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, 2002: 895).

Are all "achievements" or "results achieved" worthy of being called an achievement? In terms of language, achievement can indeed be interpreted as the results achieved, regardless of whether the results are good or bad, high or low. However, in everyday terms, achievement is generally considered a good or high achievement. Low or mediocre achievement is often not considered an achievement or an achievement. It is often said that people who excel are people who are able to achieve high or even highest results, while people who are unable to achieve high results are considered not achieving.

As a high achievement, achievement is generally achieved by effort that is not easy and simple. Achievements are usually achieved with hard work and effort, sometimes even very hard. Individuals who excel are usually resilient, diligent, diligent, disciplined, tough, have strong determination, are not easily satisfied, and do not easily give up. People who are spoiled, lazy, undisciplined, and give up easily are very difficult or impossible to achieve.

Achievements are often achieved through a long period of time. After learning, practicing, disciplining, developing themselves, racking the brain, spending money, and spending a lot of energy, people often only achieve achievements in adulthood. This, for example, happens to many sportsmen, scientists and writers.

Achievement is also often achieved through a series of failures. After experiencing failure after failure, the number of which can reach a dozen or even tens of times, new people can achieve achievements a fewteen years later. Failure after failure does not discourage people, but instead spurs the desire and enthusiasm to achieve high results so that later achievements can be achieved. This, for example, is experienced by scientists, entrepreneurs and industrialists.

People who excel are usually judged as successful people. High achievers are considered to have privileges. Privileges are not strictly and necessarily related to intelligence, talent, money, materials, or luck. These features often take the form of determination and enthusiasm and a willingness to try, work, practice, pray, and make sacrifices. That is, the specialty of people who are accomplished and successful generally lies in their willingness to do heavy, sacrificial things (time, energy, thoughts, etc.) and not solely because of intelligence, talent, money, material, or luck.

In this way, achievement is made through a difficult and long process. However, everyone can achieve achievements. Everyone has the opportunity and opportunity for achievement. Achievement is not the monopoly of genius, smart, beautiful, handsome, strong, or rich people. People who in terms of intelligence are mediocre and economically weak (poor) have a lot of high achievements and great successes in their lives, on the other hand there are not a few intelligent people who are rich in the last days of their lives falling into failures, poor, abandoned, and suffer.

(Source: Sadah Siti,

Relationship between Individual Achievement and National Excellence

 By  A. Zamroni Sw. 

Lalu Muhammad Zohri (Source: 

Do one's accomplishments have anything to do with the name or reputation of a nation? Are one's achievements also related to the excellence of a nation? Is it possible that the achievements of citizens are able to elevate the nation's status and at the same time bring national excellence in the international arena?

A person's achievements are clearly related to the degree and excellence of a nation. International achievements achieved by a citizen will encourage the elevation of the nation's dignity and excellence. Through the mass media we know the names of world-class high achievers. Their names stick out with the names of their respective nations because they cannot be separated from their nationalities. The greatness of their achievements also shows that their nation has an edge.

We certainly recognize legendary names, such as Ronaldo da Lima, Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldinho, Lionel Messi, Xavi Hernandez, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, James Watt, Alfred Nobel, Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein, Rafael Nadal, Justine Henin , Valentino Rossi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Beethoven, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Tiger Wood, Muhammad Ali, or Chris John. They are the owners of world achievements who are always synonymous with the name and image of their nation. Every time we see their figures on television or magazines, our memories will automatically be drawn to their respective nationalities. Every time we remember their nationality, we will also understand the superiority of their nation, at least that advantage lies in their respective fields.

1.  Individual Achievement Determines National Excellence

In general, individual achievement determines the national superiority of the individual concerned. We can consider this example: if a school has many students who excel, automatically the school has an advantage over other schools. This is because the combined achievements of the students will form a unity of achievement that represents school achievement. Likewise with the nation; If a nation has many high-achieving citizens, the nation concerned will have the advantage because the combined achievements of the citizens will eventually unite to form and represent the nation's achievements.

The achievements of citizens show a picture of the nation's capabilities. One citizen with an achievement does not represent the superior ability of a nation, but if that achievement is achieved by many citizens, it clearly shows the capability of the nation in question. The number of high-achieving citizens shows that the nation of those citizens has no low ability. In other words, a nation that has many high-achieving citizens will have high abilities. The high ability will affect the level of excellence of a nation in its competition with other nations.

Therefore, the achievements of citizens are important for a nation in achieving capabilities and excellence. The achievements of citizens are very much needed to achieve the ability and excellence of the nation as a whole. A nation needs to have as many high achieving citizens as possible so that the nation has the ability and superiority. Likewise, our nation desperately needs the presence of as many high-achieving citizens as possible so that our nation has an advantage over other nations in the world.

2.  Achieving Achievements for National Excellence

So, efforts to realize the excellence of the Indonesian nation are the responsibility of all citizens of our nation. More specifically, the responsibility to achieve the excellence of our nation in the future rests on the shoulders of the younger generation. In the future, when the competition between nations will be very tight and tough due to the increasingly rapid globalization, our nation needs an advantage. This excellence will be realized if from now on the younger generation starts pioneering efforts to achieve the highest achievement.

If in the future, after adulthood, many teenagers achieve high achievements, our nation will make a lot of progress so that it will also have advantages. Achievements can be made in any field. However, one thing is clear, achievement cannot be attained with half-hearted effort. Basically, everyone has potential. And the potential that we have will result in high achievement if we develop it with full effort and hard work.

(Source: Sadah Siti,

Definition of Potential and Types of Potential

 By A. Zamroni Sw.


What is the potential? In English, potential is called potency which means 'power' or potent which means 'hard' or 'strong'. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (2002: 890) it is explained that potential is strength, ability, ability, power, or power that contains the possibility to be developed.

A.  Definition of Potential

In the same dictionary, potential is also given another meaning, namely the abilities and qualities that a person possesses or exists, which has not been used to its full potential. Thus, potential is a person's strength, ability, ability, or power. However, that power, ability, ability, or power is still something that is stored, hidden, or hidden. The strength, ability, ability, or power has not been developed into an active skill or skill that produces work or performance.

Potential is often equated or identified with talent or traits. So it is not uncommon to say that a talented person is a potential person, or a potential person is a talented person. Potential is similar to talent. However, potential is somewhat different from talent because talent in a person usually tends to have visible signs since childhood.

As a latent ability or power, the potential needs to be developed. Potential development must be carried out appropriately and optimally in order to become a skill or skill. These skills or abilities will be the main means for achievement. If the skills or abilities have been formed, efforts to achieve new achievements can be made.

B.  Types of Potential in Humans

Basically, every human being has potential. And the potential that each person has is different. There are people who have the potential in the form of a strong and agile physique, some have hands that are skilled at painting, some have good voices in singing, some have smart brains, some have hands that are skilled at playing musical instruments, some have a pair of legs. skilled at playing the ball, some have a strong imagination so they are good at writing fiction, and so on. All that exists in humans, but no perfect human being has all these potentials or abilities at once.

The many and varied potentials in humans enable humans to achieve achievements in various fields and different sectors. That is a gift that God gives to humans. The potential is given to humans not only to maintain a minimum life, but also to achieve high achievements that can lead humans to the maximum advances in life for the sake of their dignity.

The potential possessed by humans can be grouped into five types. The five respectively are physical potential (psychomotoric), intellectual mental potential (intellectual quotient), mental spiritual potential (spiritual quotient), social emotional potential (emotional quotient), and mental resilience potential (adversity quotient). The explanation of the five types of potential is as follows.

v   Physical potential (psychomotoric) is the potential possessed by humans in the form of physical organs that can be used and empowered by humans to meet various needs of life (in a broad sense). Physical potential can be developed into various skills or mobility skills, such as sports, making crafts, painting, playing music, and dancing.

v    Intellectual quotient is the potential that humans have in the form of brain intelligence (especially in the left hemisphere). Intellectual mental potential can be developed into skills to calculate, analyze, plan, and so on.

v     Spiritual quotient is the potential that humans have in the form of intelligence to do wisdom. Through mental-spiritual potential, humans can become intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually intact individuals. This potential can be developed into religious skills that make people believe, pious, and do good to others and the environment.

v    Social emotional potential (emotional quotient) is the potential that exists in humans in the form of brain intelligence (especially in the right brain). This potential can be developed into skills to control emotions, motivation, anger, responsibility, self-awareness, and so on.

v    The potential for mental endurance (adversity quotient) is the potential that exists in humans in the form of intelligence to do or face situations in a resilient, resilient, and highly fighting manner. This potential is one of the determining factors for achievement and success because it enables humans to face various obstacles and difficulties well. With this potential, a person will be able to turn various challenges and obstacles into opportunities.

(Source: Sadah Siti,

Effectiveness and Efficiency in Potential Development

 By A. Zamroni Sw.


In many cases, the potential is like a mystery or a riddle. We believe that everyone has potential, but often we ourselves don't even know what the true potential or true potential we have or what is in ourselves. The potential is mysterious; its presence can be felt, but its form or form is often not caught by sight so it always causes curiosity.

Not a few people throughout their lives have never known for sure what potential they have even though their own lives have not failed either. Even we also don't know whether great people, like Ibn Khaldun, Aristotle, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare, Amadeus Mozart, Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Jefferson, Mahatma Gandi, Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, Mohammad Hatta, Pele, Muhammad Ali, Steve Job, and Bill Gate all knew their potential. In order to be such a success, great, and legendary, had they made efforts to develop their respective potentials according to their original potential? Was Aristotle fully aware that his greatest talent was really in philosophy or did Muhammad Ali fully understand that his greatest talent was indeed boxing? Could it be that Aristotle had a great talent too in singing so that if he developed this potential properly and the circumstances of the times were supportive, in addition to being a great philosopher he would also become a top singer in the world. Maybe Muhammad Ali also has a great talent in painting so that when he develops it optimally, in addition to becoming world champion in boxing, he will also be known as a painter who is equal to Pablo Picasso and Rembrandt.

History has proven that great and successful figures are not always born from the synchronization between efforts to develop potential on the one hand and the potential itself (existing potential) on the other. That is, the birth of successful figures is not always or not always determined by the suitability of the potentials of the figures with the efforts they make to develop these potentials. It could be that a character is interested and interested in producing electronic works and thanks to his hard work and persistence he succeeded in becoming the leading and richest electronics entrepreneur, when in fact he has a great talent in music or literature.

However, of course, such miracles or weirdness cannot automatically be used as an excuse to underestimate the importance of knowing and ensuring potential as a starting point for developing and optimizing potential in an effort to achieve success. After all, for most humans, knowing one's potential and developing it into a competency or qualification that can bring success is more important and more necessary than making careless efforts to achieve success in life. That is, all the efforts we make to achieve success, however, are necessary and important to be tailored to our respective potential. Miracles, strangeness, or uniqueness can happen - as illustrated earlier - but they are exceptional and can only be done by people with extraordinary abilities and determination, passion, hard work, and unusual environmental support also.

In today's modern life, success is difficult to achieve by means of wasteful time, effort, thought, and money. In the midst of a growing population, increasing awareness for a successful life, intense competition, rapid globalization, limited resources, and the advancement of science and technology, success must be achieved in effective and efficient ways. So, effectiveness and efficiency in achieving success can only be achieved if our efforts to develop our potential are based on proper recognition and knowledge of our original potential. The more precise we are in recognizing and knowing the potential we have for us to develop into competencies and qualifications, the more effective and efficient our efforts will be in achieving success.

By recognizing and knowing our potential properly, we have made massive savings in time, cost, energy, and thoughts. This is because we are not constantly dwelling on and being preoccupied with unplanned, obscure, and unguided efforts, which consume enormous resources (money, energy, thoughts, time, etc.). Imagine, how much time, cost, effort, and thoughts we waste if we misidentify and know potential? How big a waste we make if for years we have worked hard to study and practice, but it turns out that what we practice is not in accordance with our true potential? What a shame if our talents, for example, in the arts, but what we continue to boost our abilities in sports, or vice versa?

Thus, the effectiveness and efficiency of potential development is part of the determining factors in achieving achievement and success. Achievements and successes cannot be achieved by means of speculative (chance) development of potential. The development of potential that is carried out speculatively will not only lead to waste of many things, but also make efforts to achieve achievement and success very difficult to do or even easily fail.

(Source: Sadah Siti,

Money and Assets Are Not Part of the Potential

 By  A. Zamroni Sw.


It is true, money and possessions have an important role and function in our life. However, awareness of the importance of the role and function of money and assets should not make us place them both in the wrong position and position. Nobody argues, money and property are important, but both are actually just media (tools), including if both are linked to the existence of human potential.

In seeing and developing their potential, people are often attached to the role of money and assets. Some people even classify money and assets as part of the potential; or think that money and property are human potential in other forms. Money and assets are seen as covering potential weaknesses. A person who does not have certain potential, as long as he has money and property, he can "buy" or "redeem" the potential that he does not have through negative means, such as bribery and fabrication, so that the potential that he does not actually have is instant and sudden. being he "has".

Such ironic, sad, and embarrassing events often occur in the recruitment of new employees or employees, especially in government / state-owned institutions - sometimes also in BUMN and private companies. Prospective employees / employees who do not have the required qualifications and competencies (potential) can be accepted as employees / employees by paying a certain amount of money or giving certain gratuities (bribes). This is often done intentionally by eliminating other candidates with more qualifications and competencies. Only because of money considerations alone, people who do not have the qualifications and competence are transformed into people who are (as if) superior and potential, and conversely, people who actually have the qualifications and competencies are unfairly affected as people who are (as if) weak and unfair. has potential.

Such deviations occur as a result of misappropriation of the role of money and property on the one hand and the value of human potential on the other. Money and property which are essentially tools are misused into everything, while human potential which should be respected and valued more than money - because this involves human dignity and honor - is treated and placed lower than money and property. Money, which is actually only a means of payment for the sale and purchase of goods and services, has increased its function to become a tool for trading human dignity and destroying human potential. This has happened for decades in Indonesia's modern history. The events took place more massively, systematically, and deeply in the era of the New Order government (for about 32 years) so that even when the era has entered the era of reform as it is today, this bad habit is still very difficult to eradicate.

That is a "trick" that causes a lot of irony and tragedy in our society due to attitudes and behavior that should not be taken in treating money and property on the one hand and looking at human potential on the other. As a result of the misappropriation of the role of money and property, human potential becomes as valuable as goods or services; so easy to buy and sell. As a result of the tradable potential, the potential is not important to be appreciated and respected as a very valuable "treasure" of human property, which must be maintained, maintained and enhanced.

As a consequence, people become indifferent and apathetic to potential - both owned by themselves and others - and lazy or do not feel the need to develop potential. The consideration, of course, is why waste energy, thought, and time in order to develop potential if the potential can be traded in the end? Why bother to hone one's potential to form high competence if it will eventually be pushed aside by the power of money and property? Why use all your power to boost your potential so you can have high qualifications and achievements if you can buy a certain amount of money with high qualifications and achievements?

It is tragic and dangerous if the bad habit of treating money and property in the midst of such potential existence is maintained. If this is the case, then throughout his life people will tend to pursue money and property more than to pay attention to, develop, and increase their potential. And if the pursuit of money and property is carried out without sufficient potential (qualifications and competence), people will obviously experience many difficulties, so they are easily tempted to justify any means. So, what happened then, in the midst of the great excitement of the hunt for money and property, there was a great deal of fraud and crime: theft, mugging, robbery, manipulation and corruption were everywhere.

Therefore, in the midst of this misleading and unhealthy flow and habit, let us return the money-possessions on the one hand and the potential on the other hand to their respective roles, functions and positions. However, money and possessions are not everything. Money and possessions are not an inherent part of potential. Money and assets are only part of the tools or means to develop potential.

For humans, potential is clearly more important and superior to money and property. Potential becomes an inherent part of humans which directly determines the fate and life of humans. First and foremost, humans live and maintain their lives with their potential, not with their money and assets. Even without money and possessions, as long as they can develop and use their potential properly, humans will be able to obtain various means to meet their daily needs, including of course money and assets. On the other hand, with money and assets no matter how much, but not having sufficient potential or potential but unable to utilize and utilize them properly, sooner or later, people will run out of money and assets and then live in poverty and suffer.

With all the potential they have and utilize them properly and correctly, humans have relatively the opportunity and opportunity to achieve all the things they desire or at least most of their desires. Although initially they do not have money and property, as long as they have sufficient potential and use them properly, humans will be able to get money and property. On the other hand, no matter how much money and possessions, humans will never be able to buy their potential, except through deviant ways that violate law, ethics and religion. Potentials can be developed into competencies and qualifications only by learning and practicing tirelessly and giving up. Potential has nothing to do with money and assets. As a tool to support the development of potential, money and assets are sometimes needed only to cover costs, the most important rest is awareness, willingness, and determination to learn and practice tirelessly and hopelessly while continuing to pray.

In seeing and developing our potential, we should not depend on money and assets. If we depend on money and possessions, most of us are very likely to give up before competing in developing our potential: because we do not have money and possessions, it is only at the stage where we are going to start our efforts that we will be sluggish and helpless. As a result of being too fixed and focused on money and possessions, the absence or lack of money and possessions will discourage the spirit to do business. The absence or lack of money and property, whether we realize it or not, becomes an obstacle and a barrier to and in developing potential.

The right attitude in seeing and developing potential depends on the potential itself. This attitude will free us from the influence and traps of money and property –– as well as other supporting factors that are physical and material in nature –– so that in developing our potential we will focus more on concrete efforts to boost our potentials into competences and qualifications. Free from the influence and shadow of money and wealth, we will really think and act for the benefit and benefit of our potential.

However, can we escape from the shadow of money and wealth in developing our potential? Of course, I can. Not a few poor people become big and successful figures who start their potential development efforts without money and assets or with very little money and assets. How do they develop their potential by hanging and wallowing in money and property, while they can hardly eat their daily meals because they don't have money?

Again, money and possessions are not part of potential. In developing our potential, we should not be anchored and dependent on money and assets. If we are stuck and dependent on money and property, our potential will develop following the wild movement of money and property that is erratic for then that potential, very likely, will fade and die. However, by staying focused and depending on the potential itself, the potential will develop into competencies and qualifications so that there is great hope that success will come along. And if success is in your grasp, then money and possessions will "come" by themselves.

(Source: Sadah Siti, potential.html)


Measuring Potential

 By  A. Zamroni Sw.


Can potential be measured? How to measure potential? Why does potential need to be measured? What are the benefits of measuring potential in achieving achievement?

Potential can be measured, but not done in the same way we measure the length of an object with a meter. Potential is measured by approximating the minimum and maximum limits or the size and size. Every individual can measure his potential based on his habits, tendencies, abilities, or strengths. Through habits, tendencies, abilities, or strengths that are practiced for a certain time, usually we will know the size of our potential.

However, because they are generally abstract in nature, potential is difficult to measure precisely. For that, we also need to ask the opinions of those closest to us about our potential. If necessary, to measure our potential, we consult and ask for help from experts, namely psychologists. The results of the measurements we take can be combined with other people's opinions so that the results are expected to be more accurate or closer to the truth.

Self-potential needs to be measured because everyone has different potential. For example, not a few children have potential in painting, but their potential is usually varied and different: there are children who have great potential, some have medium potential, and some have little potential. The same is true in other fields.

Potential also needs to be measured to determine the potential development effort itself. By knowing the size of the potential that is owned, a person will relatively be more appropriate in determining the dose of activities carried out to develop potential. Thus, the measurement of potential development activities can be carried out appropriately or professionally so that it will be more optimal in producing skills / abilities. Optimization in producing important abilities is done in an effort to achieve high achievement.

(Source: Sadah Siti,

Know Your Potential

 By A. Zamroni Sw.


God created man with strengths and weaknesses. No human being is perfect, but there is also no human being who has absolutely no advantages. That is, among the imperfections it carries, humans still have advantages. No matter how small, the advantages are bestowed by God on humans.

 That excess is called potential. If every human being has advantages, it means that every human being has potential. Because it has potential, it also means that every human being has the opportunity, opportunity and possibility to achieve achievement. Why so? This is none other than because potential is a valuable and important asset for humans to achieve achievements.

Thus, everyone has the right, may, deserves, or needs to strive for achievement. Youth and students can even be said to be competing to achieve the highest achievement. Today's youth and students have a responsibility to make achievements in an effort to prepare themselves to become future leaders of society, nation and state.

 With their potential capital, every teenager and student has the opportunity to achieve achievement. However, to realize achievements, the potential must be developed. Efforts to develop potential are carried out by studying and practicing diligently, diligently, regularly, tenaciously, disciplined, continuously, and so on. As for before being developed, the potential itself must first be recognized and known its types. There are various types of potential that humans have. The type and size of the potential that exists in each person is different. By knowing exactly what kind of potential one has, then developing it appropriately, an individual has a great chance of achieving high achievement.

That way, it is important to pay attention, before making self-development efforts, we must first know and know the potential we have. We must ascertain exactly our potential; only after that start self-development efforts. In this way, our potential will develop optimally and in the end we can hope and be optimistic that we will be able to achieve achievements.

(Source: Sadah Siti,

Thursday, September 10, 2020

How to Know Your Potential



Have you, teenagers, know exactly and with certainty the type of potential that exists in you? One of the various types of potential you must have or even two of them are in you. To achieve achievement, of course we must know or know the potential we have.

Efforts to recognize or know potential cannot be done carelessly. We cannot judge our potential based on personal taste. For example, just because you love music, you conclude that your potential lies in the music field. Or, just because a lot of your friends enjoy a certain type of sport, you force yourself to love it and make sure that your potential lies in that sport. Such a step is not the right way to assess and know one's potential.

The first thing to do to know one's potential is of course instill a strong and serious desire to know one's own potential. After that, we must try to begin to know our potential honestly, objectively and realistically. We must see and judge for what it is then be brave and willing to accept it as it is too.

Those are the things that must be prioritized in knowing one's potential. The detailed steps in knowing the potential itself can be done in various ways. Here are some of them.

   During a certain time, do a lot of activities. Activities to choose from include sports, arts, writing (composing), and handicrafts. In choosing the activities to be carried out, don't just stick to the activities you like.

   Of the activities carried out, feel the activity that is experiencing the fastest development and progress. For this purpose, a written list of activities that have been carried out and progress and progress can be made can be made.

   Ask other people about the activities that are the most or more prominent of the activities carried out. That is, according to other people's judgments, what activities appear to represent the most impressive abilities of the activities we do. Other people consulted were primarily friends with activities, best friends, teachers, parents, and siblings.

   Activities that are more rapidly developing and progressing and according to the judgment of others show impressive abilities the possibility of being our potential. Continue the activity while continuing to feel the progress and progress made and ask for other people's opinions, while other activities that do not show impressive progress can be abandoned immediately.

These four efforts are only alternatives that we can do. We can still complete the four of them with several other steps. Additional steps that can be taken are as follows:

   identify yourself by making a list of questions, such as what makes us happy, what we want in life, what our strengths and strengths are, and answer these questions honestly and objectively;

   determine life goals –– short term and long term –– realistically, that is, according to the abilities and circumstances at hand;

   identify the motivation to live by feeling the things that make us most or more motivated to do certain activities;

   eliminating the habit of negative thinking by not throwing mistakes and weaknesses at other parties, but instead used as material for evaluation and self-improvement;

   do not regret and judge yourself for a long time if you make a mistake or experience a failure, but make both (mistakes or failures) as an encouragement.

Barriers to Potential Development



Developing the potential for achievement is not an easy and simple endeavor. In practice, there will be many obstacles or obstacles. The higher the achievement that you want to achieve, the bigger the obstacles you usually face. Overcoming obstacles will be another endeavor that must be made in the overall pursuit of achievement.

Barriers to potential development will be internal and external. Internal barriers are obstacles that arise from within oneself, while external obstacles arise from the surrounding environment. These two obstacles have different forms and properties.

1.  Obstacles from Yourself

Have you ever felt or often feel lazy, afraid, anxious, indecisive, or inferior when you are about to do something? Will we forever feel ambitious, strong, and confident when we start activities? Can we always consistently feel optimistic that we will be able and successful in making things happen?

It seems that almost no one is forever able to be optimistic when they want to start a job or activity. Feeling uncertain or worried about doing something is a natural and human condition. All humans have experienced it because all humans basically have weaknesses.

However, that is what is called an obstacle that arises from yourself. Such obstacles come from within your own feelings and often arise for no apparent reason. Feelings of reluctance, anxiety, insecurity, pessimism, and the like may arise due to tough competition, absence of competent companions, difficult challenges faced, and so on.

However, these negative feelings are actually more of a false shadow because before we jump directly into the competition, we will never know the real situation. Obstacles like that often appear unwanted. This obstacle should not be allowed to keep coming to interfere, but must be overcome (removed) if we want high achievement.

Another form of obstacle that can arise from within yourself is the feeling of seeing one's own abilities that are too high. The ability of oneself is judged so big and high that what will be faced will seem easy to conquer. This will lead to excessive optimism, arrogant attitude (arrogant or arrogant), as well as underestimating other people and the challenges that will be faced. Feelings like this are clearly an obstacle that must be removed because they will not be able to support the realization of achievement.

Excessive optimism and high regard and value one's ability above others usually occurs in someone who has had certain achievements. Ever accomplishing a certain feat by beating competitors causes a feeling of superiority to emerge as if no one else can match it. Moreover, if the achievement can be achieved several times at once, the feeling of superiority can emerge even stronger –– even though, it could be that there are many other people whose abilities and achievements are higher than the competition in question.

2.  Environmental Barriers

 Is the life around us always in line with our wishes? Could it be that life around the house always benefits our efforts to achieve something? Is it true that everything in our homes can help us achieve our desires? Is it true that the education that we follow every day can be relied on to provide support for achievement?

The environment, namely the life around us, does not always have a positive influence on achievement. The environment can indeed be a supporter of achievement. However, many cases show that the environment is often the source of obstacles. Television, for example, every day tempts us to watch it constantly so that it can make us neglect to study and practice. The hustle and bustle of life around the house and school also often makes it difficult for us to focus and concentrate. In fact, sometimes the education in schools that we usually attend is not in accordance with the efforts to foster a spirit of achievement.

Homes, schools and villages sometimes present unexpected obstacles. Sometimes the attitude of friends, teachers, neighbors, even parents and siblings is not as expected. For example, girls from certain indigenous communities do not receive the proper support from their families to achieve certain achievements - in the fields of education, arts, sports, and so on - just because customary traditions consider women more deserving of being and doing activities in the kitchen.

All of these are obstacles that come from the environment. Environmental barriers seem to always be there. The obstacles from the environment are very difficult to get rid of completely because they involve so many factors that are outside ourselves. Therefore, we are required to be smart in dealing with it. Even if it is very difficult to get rid of altogether, the obstacles from the environment can be neutralized if we are good at dealing with them. The key is that we must be firm in our stand and uphold our principles so that we are not easily influenced by circumstances.

In addition, we also have to be good at making sure that the achievements we will achieve will not harm the order and values ​​of life that apply around our lives. On the contrary, this achievement will in fact strengthen the intended order and values. Achievement in any field, as long as it is positive (not contrary to norms), essentially will not interfere with the order and values ​​of life, but will also strengthen it and elevate the status and make the local community proud.

(Source: Sadah Siti, potential)